Travel Wish List

IMG_0170     It’s no secret that I am a self acclaimed traveler, wanderlust-er and I am a pretty much live out of my suitcase a good portion of the year type of person. Unfortunately I don’t have the funds or the time to travel as much as I would love too, however this week on the blog I thought that I would share with you some of the places that I have only dreamed of going my entire life and why.  My travel wish list.

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England is a place that I have wanted to go to since I was a little girl, way before my Harry Potter obsession which only added to the list. I have only dreamed of seeing Big Ben, the London Bridge, the museums, Buckingham Palace and of course having high tea all dressed up in a fancy dress and pearls. And for some reason I’ve always loved the Peter Pan statue that I have only seen pictures of. Definitely the Thames, adding to my need to touch every major body of water. Not to mention I’ve always wanted to see a play in Shakespeare’s Globe Theater. Take a train Bath, see the Jane Austen Museum in Chawton and other parts of the countryside.

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I was unfortunately in Paris for only an hour layover so I didn’t get to step foot outside the airport. It was a tease, I was so close yet so far away. I’ve always wanted to go to Paris (of course) to see the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and definitely take a cooking class to learn from a Parisian Chef. Monte Carlo has always been a place on my bucket list and I’m just obsessed with Chateau’s. I would also love to go explore Castles.

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My family on my Father’s side is from the black forest region in Germany. The original Homestead is there and we still have family over there so it’s always been a dream of mine to go with my Dad to Germany. My Dad spent most of his military experience stationed in Germany and has always wanted to show me the sites, his hang outs and our Family heritage.  I’ve also spent a lot of time during my school years (high school and college) studying World War II and focusing on the Holocaust. I would really like to see some of those sites as well; especially the Berlin wall which was taken down the year I was born. I would also love to experience some of the old festivals not necessarily Oktoberfest but to see the outfits, flowers, pretzels and the architecture of the quaint buildings. Maybe a side trip to Amsterdam to see the Van Gogh Museum?

FullSizeRender copy 4Greece

It seems like every picture that I like on Instagram seems to be of Greece. Everyone is going to Greece without me! My obsession with Greece, including the food, (I LOVE Greek food) the colors and all the blue. From the blue rooftops to the bright blue waters. I need to mention the ruins with the Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek Empire (parts of Roman) and an adventure filled with tons of art! I want to go everywhere from Athens to Santorini.

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Looking at my list it seems that everything is in Europe. I have not had the chance to explore Europe as much, besides a when I spent a semester in college studying and exploring Italy. I have been fortunate enough to have spent a lot of time in the Caribbean, the States and Canada. These are the places that if I could pick up and go anywhere in the world I would!

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What is on your travel wish list?



2 thoughts on “Travel Wish List

  1. worldwidewanderingblog says:

    My travel wish list mirrors yours in lots of ways! I live in England so can explore Europe easily and cheaply. I’d love to explore the USA and Central America but cost is a big problem flying from the UK. Hope you make it over here soon!

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